Islamic Society of Greater Dayton

    Create a presentation to your class describing the seven sections of your service project.

    this is a presentation! use powerpoint to put together some of my papers i wrote. i am writing setion 6 right now but you also can just make that up and incorporate it in.


    Use PowerPoint


    All seven sections should be presented.

    The presentation should be 12-15 minutes long.


    A minimum of 15 pictures from your service project must be included in the presentation.

    take from their website, or google some as well to help.

    ( i will attach seven service project papers to help)

    You can make up some stuff like you were the one following the group.


    No plagiarism and reference whats used in the paper.

    service project will im doing is following a Muslim group in dayton ohio and seeing how they economically work with the community, bring good will, help, use religion etc… i will attach several papers done with the group. that will help. You can make up some stuff like you been following them.

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