Islamic Banking in Qatar

    Humanities History
    Library Research Project a.k.a. Research + Essay
    The purpose of this Library Project is threefold:
    1. To introduce you to the myriad resources our library has for studying Islamic
    2. To allow you to pursue a topic of personal interest, and
    3. To allow you to contribute to the knowledge of your classmates about particular
    aspects of Islamic history. !The Situation
    You are a bright and curious student of Islamic history who is enjoying our studies thoroughly. You
    think it’s a fascinating topic but feel that there are still some areas that merit further exploration
    (understandably, since the course in its current format cannot cover everything). In particular, you
    feel that future students should learn about _______________________________, and to that end
    you seek to produce an engaging and informative assessment of _____________________________,
    designed to peak interest in it/him/her and persuade the current Humanities History instructors to add
    it/him/her to the curriculum. As an added bonus, your current classmates will also get a chance to
    hear about _______________________________, making you a stellar non sibi student who aims to
    help your peers and future generations. !The Task
    1. Select a topic from the list at the end of this assignment sheet.
    2. Spend one day and night looking through sources in our databases for general information about
    your topic (today in class and tonight). You’ll need to find at least 3 sources (look for articles from
    databases on

    3. Spend the weekend considering the sources you’ve read and thinking about a research question
    that you intend to answer in your paper.
    4. In-class on Monday we’ll review NoodleTools for constructing your annotated bibliographies
    (beginning with the 3 sources you read on Friday), and you’ll also enter your research question. For
    homework you’ll need to revise your research question and annotate your bibliography entries (and
    the sources, themselves), due on Tuesday.
    5. On Tuesday (in-class and for homework) you’ll look for additional sources if needed and put
    together an outline of your paper, due Wednesday. During class you will continue to do research and/
    or write while each of you meets with me briefly to discuss your outline.
    6. On Thursday, the 6th you’ll begin to work on your first full rough draft that is due on Monday
    the 10th. If you’d like to meet with me on Monday for a conference, your draft will be due by 8:45
    that morning. Otherwise, it’s due at the beginning of class. We will have a writing workshop in class
    that day wherein you’ll be expected to do a thorough critique of one classmate’s paper. I’ll assign
    you someone’s paper to critique, and part of your overall grade will be on the thoroughness,
    thoughtfulness and helpfulness of your critique.
    7. On Tuesday and Wednesday you’ll continue revising your drafts while also having a conference
    with me about your draft. Conferences will be held on a first-come, first-served basis based on signups.
    If possible, I will look at second drafts on Thursday.
    8. Your final drafts will be due at the beginning of class on Friday the 14th ! (E day) All done!
    • Minimum of 3 new sources from the databases (feel free to reference sources we’ve already
    used, and/or those our authors have used as additional references)
    • paper length: 3 page min, 5 page max
    • bibliography
    • students who have been encouraged to visit the writing center should do so at least once
    • double-spaced 12 pt font (either times new roman or cambria)
    • Title
    • Citations should be endnotes and are not counted as part of the length of your paper !

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