ISCOM/370 Strategic Supply Chain Management

    Please have by 8:00 Am west coast time California time. Plagrism free, original work, and refs. APA format. Please do not disappoint. Please talk about all points. If you have a questions please ask early.

    Choose a large global company.

    Prepare a 1,050- to 1,575-word paper in which you discuss the following items:

    • Define supply chain management.

    • Define how supply chain management has evolved over the past 20 years.

    • Describe the primary components of your selected company’s supply chain, and explain the importance of each component.

    • Discuss how the three key supply chain decision phases are used at this company and provide examples.

    • Provide examples of how your selected company has (or does not have) an advantage over its competitors through the use of its supply chain.

    • Analyze the financial impact establishing a supply chain had on your selected company.

    • Explain the organizational considerations related to your selected company’s supply chain.

      Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

      Cite a minimum of two references to support your paper

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