Is VCU better today than it was 25 years ago?

    Is VCU better today than it was 25 years ago? This is our questions for this work, Answering it will involve historical inquiry and investigative journalism. You’ll need to scrutinize VCU itself: Who runs this place?

    What vision do they have for how it should be run? How much do they get paid? What role do professors have in matters of university governance? What role do students have? How do the salaries of professors compare to university administrators and their staff? Students are paying more for collage now than ever before, and are graduating with staggering debt. Why is this? The university library has recently undergone a massive and expensive change. Is the library better than it was before? It is not just VCU that has changed over the last 25 years. Higher Education as a whole has too. What are some of these changes? Are they changes mostly for the better or worse? How are these national trends reflected in trends at VCU?

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