Is the government responding to AIDS appropriately Custom Essay

    The following are expectations. Please note the professor uses a system that compares out essays to viral and others so please bebe customized. Please have the

    rationales for yes or no the government is acting appropriately concise and easily known. At least 3 rationales with supportive evidence. topics to consider for

    rationales, are social, global ad national help.. ect.


    You will turn in a 5 page paper based on one of the following topics/issues from the course. In the paper you will discuss the evidence on the issues based on the

    readings, reach a conclusion on the debate topic, and explain the reasoning behind your conclusion. The papers are not based on your views and opinions; you must

    discuss evidence supporting two positions, reach a conclusion based on the evidence, and explain the rationale behind your conclusion. You must turn in your paper to

    me typed-doubled spaced; Times New Roman, 12 point font.


    You will need to pull information from reviewed literature. I will allow one non scientific website but it must be a reputable website. Please get prior approval

    before utilizing the site. I am expecting a minimum of three to four references.

    You are expected to properly cite your references using American Psychological Association guidelines (APA). Citations must be included in the body of the text in

    addition to the reference page at the end of the paper. Your reference section does not count as a part of your total number of pages.

    Annotated Bibliography you are expected to present an annotated bibliography with their paper. Please see the reference sheet entitled Annotated Bibliographies. Each member of the group should summarize one reference for the group to be included in the annotated bibliography.

    Value: The paper is worth 100 points.

    Components of the Paper: You will be evaluated on each of the components

    Title: Be creative and develop your own title

    Introduction: This introduces the topic issues. This section provides a grasp of the issue and points of view. This section provides a summary of the issues giving a clear statement of the positions based upon the evidence.

    Body of the Paper: This section lends itself to each point of view and the rationale provided to justify the differing points of view. You must provide evidence supporting your arguments/points of view. For example, if you are writing the session that is FOR/IN AGREEMENT WITH THE ISSUE, you would have 3 points to make or address regarding your position. In making your three points you would provide your rationale to support your point of view. YOUR RATIONALE IS NOT BASED ON YOUR


    Conclusion: Summary of the position and rationale. In this section discussion of the implications, applications, or ramifications associated with the issue is expressed .

    Evaluation Criteria: You will be evaluated based on the following general criteria:

    1. Style and Format

    2. Accuracy of Information, evidence, data

    3. Rationale and Evidence Supporting Positions

    4. Clarity of Writing (e.g. spelling, grammar, and form)

    5. Proper citation and referencing of information

    Content criteria include the following:

    1. Grasp of the issue and important related points.

    2. Ability to make presentation of information/views interesting, engaging, and relevant.

    3. Ability to support arguments

    4. Use of supporting materials

    5. Use of constructive criticism and rationale

    6. Ability to anticipate and/or counter opposing viewpoints

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