Is Social Media an ethical or unethical use of computer technology

    CIM 1 – Introduction to Computer Information Systems
    Ethics Project

    “The Ethical/Unethical Use of Computer Technology”

    This project requires students to define, research, evaluate and make recommendations
    on an Ethical or Moral issue as it relates to our usage of computer technology.


    1. Select a single topic that you are interested in – pick a side – Do you believe it is an Ethical or Unethical use of Computer Technology?

    2. Research your selected topic.

    Paper Requirements:

    · The 3-part report must include:

    o 1st present the issue/topic and your viewpoint (ethical or unethical)

    o 2nd summarize the researcher’s (your) findings

    o 3rd present the researcher’s (your) conclusions and recommendations

    · Length = 800 to 1,000 words in length

    o Words in the BODY of the paper count towards fulfilling this requirement, the information at the top of the first page, the Report Title and the Works Cited page do not count.

    · At least 3 sources (books, articles, web pages, or interviews) that are current, reputable, and useful must be included in the Works Cited section of the paper

    o You must assess each source’s reliability, accuracy, bias or contradiction in data prior to including it in your paper

    o Only 1 source can be from a personal interview

    · Must be written using Microsoft Word

    Formatting Guidelines:

    Set the margins of your 8.5 x 11-inch document to 1 inch on all sides
    Use a legible font (e.g. Times New Roman)
    Set the font size to 12 pt.
    Set Line Spacing to “double-space” (2)

    Create a separate “Works Cited” page (bibliographical references) – (does not count towards the paper’s 800 to 1000 word requirement)

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