Is Sampson a type of Christ or not?

    Question: Is Sampson a type of Christ or not?

    A Thought Paper is a 600?700 word paper that
    thoughtfully answers a question regarding the Biblical text. Thought
    Papers are simply structured:
    ? the student?s name and the selected question go at the top
    ? then follows a concise but informative thesis statement (1?2
    sentences) that summarizes the student?s considered response to
    the question
    ? then follows the body of the paper in which the student
    develops their own thoughtful answer to the question through
    analysis of relevant texts/readings from the course
    Grading: Thought Papers will receive a grade of up to 20 pts based on
    the quality of the student?s own thought/analysis, interaction with the
    readings, quality of written communication (grammar, spelling, etc.), and
    attention to expected length (too long or to short will also result in lost
    points). Reliance on web-based materials or other students? contributions
    in the discussion board?rather than the student?s own reflection and
    engagement with the material

    General comments about the Discussion Board: Responses should focus on the objective. The goal is to communicate and
    learn. It is not to win arguments, put others in their places, demonstrate
    indignation, or parade superior intellect.
    ? Responses should not avoid debate. It is always necessary and encouraged to
    present opposing views, different opinions, and controversial topics. However,
    this should be done in a positive and constructive manner.
    ? Eliminate the three C?s Dale Carnegie advised that to win friends and influence
    people, one should avoid criticizing, condemning, or complaining.
    ? Avoid sarcasm. Sarcasm usually comes across as hurtful and hateful in intent.
    In the same vein, learners should avoid dictatorial or condescending remarks,
    commands, and threats.

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