Is Mass Marketing Dead?

    The exam is worth 250 points. Except where otherwise noted below, the criteria in the Grade Rubric found in the syllabus apply to the exam grading.

    1. Please cite the sources of evidence (textbook, Internet, LEO conferences and materials, etc.) used to support your comments by listing the complete reference (e.g. APA or MLA style) at the end of your response, as well as providing an in-text citation, e.g. (VAIL, 2006).

    2. A length guideline is 2500 words of original writing per complete exam, including the retyped questions and the references. There is no penalty for going over 2500 words. This should be original writing single spaced with one-inch margins in 12 point Times New Roman.

    3. Put quotation marks around text that you copy from another source. Please limit the amount of directly quoted material (material in quotation marks) to 250 words or less for the entire body of the paper (not including the bibliography). This will limit the amount of quoted material to about 10% of the response. Paraphrase, or put material in your own words, whenever possible.

    4. Please retype the question and follow it with your answer.

    5. Assume that your paper will be checked for originality at

    As a resource for you, Turnitin is available for checking your paper before you submit it for a grade. You may upload your exam to the class area on This step will hopefully remedy any plagiarism problems before the paper is submitted for grading.


    I strongly recommend that you review the UMUC policy on academic dishonesty and plagiarism.

    Plagiarism includes patchworking, which is using words and phrases from a source text and patching them together into new sentences, whether or not the sources were cited. Other common forms of plagiarism include failure to cite a source in both the text and reference section, and a failure to put quotation marks around directly copied phrases (VAIL, 2006).


    Please give a citation when you are referencing a source of evidence for a comment. You can put your references in APA format or another format. I am not picky about the format as long as long as the citation gives the name, author, date and enough information for someone to find it if they want to.

    Answer all parts of the question and submit all together in one file (Word or rich text format). Please follow carefully the instructions above.

    1. Question. Argue FOR statement (A). Then argue FOR statement (B). The task is to argue FOR statement A and separately FOR statement B in the debate, and submit both arguments in one file of about 2500 words total as a minimum (no penalty for going over).

    Support your comments with evidence, not just your opinion. Rebutting the opposing arguments may help you complete the response.

    Debate: Mass marketing (MM15 p. 270).

    (A) Mass marketing is dead;

    (B) Mass marketing is still a viable way to build a profitable brand.

    From the textbook: Is Mass Marketing Dead?

    With marketers increasingly adopting more and more refined market segmentation schemes—fueled by the Internet and other customization efforts—some claim mass marketing is dead. Others counter there will always be room for large brands employing marketing programs to target the mass market.

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