Is it wrong to eat meat

    Is it wrong to eat meat
    Topic: Is it wrong to eat meat?

    In this ‘road map’ section you will mention what theoretical standpoints you will investigate and briefly why you will use them. You will also point to at least one major opposing argument. Is the opposition wrong because they have drawn the wrong conclusions from their own conception of the good? Or should we reject their conception of the good? *
    B. Body. In the body of your essay you will:
    1. Refer to at least two ethical theories. How do the articles you cite emerge from a theoretical position? How are your arguments rooted in the theories we studied. This must include references from the texts we studied (or the primary texts of the outside tradition you are using).
    2. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments you are critiquing.
    3. Use examples and references to concrete situations whenever possible.
    C. Conclusion: the conclusion must review the paper. Summarize what we have seen and assess the strengths and weaknesses of your position (review why we should accept your position and any qualifications that need to be kept in mind). This can also be the place where you point in general terms to what might follow from your thesis (what new directions are opened? How might we begin to put this into practice? What will this mean for society and our own lives?
    D. Proper references and bibliography (MLA or other standard referencing guide)
    Grammar and spelling are important. Please review carefully. Avoid plagiarism (reference all sources).

    • Nothing should be in the paper that is not already in condensed form in this summary. A philosophy paper is not a mystery novel! Do not say “In the final section I will explain what we ought to do.” Tell us “In the final section I will show that because of its dangerous possibilities, human cloning must remain banned.” Do not make promises; give us a summary.

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