Is hiring ethical people the most important factor involved in creating and sustaining an ethical organisation

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    Essay Topics (2000 words)

    Due Date: 21 February at 7pm Singapore Time

    Submission: Electronic (soft) Via Learning Hub

    Choose oneof the following three options:

    1. Is hiring ethical people the most important factor involved in creating and sustaining an ethical organisation?

    2. Has the recent Global Financial Crisis (GFC) demonstrated that the narrow‘shareholder value’ perspective proposed by Friedman was flawed?

    3. If you had to choose just one of the philosophical approaches discussed in Lecture 2 (Business Ethics – Normative Theories) to guide your decision making, which would you choose? Why? If you had to rank them from most to least helpful, how would you rank them?

    Use at least twelve references:         

                            * six academic journal articles                     peer reviewed


                            * six other qualityreferences

    Harvard referencing style

    Assessment Criteria for the Essay

             Key issues relating to the question have been developed

             Original and clear argument

             Logical and convincing discussion

             Ideas and assertions substantiated through use of high quality reference material and key academic perspectives/views used to develop arguments

             Appropriate Harvard style referencing (intext and list of references)

             Number and quality of references

             Clear and comprehensive written style (spelling, grammar, syntax etc.)

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