Iranian elections

    Iranian elections

    From the first e-Activity, examine two (2) economic effects that you believe the Iranian elections have on other countries that are currently allies with this nation. Provide a rationale for your response.
    • Suggest two (2) factors that make the United States, Saudi Arabia, and the European Union allies on the world stage of politics. Provide two (2) pieces of evidence to support your rationale.
    “Economic Structuralism, Constructivism, and Feminism” Please respond to the following:
    • From the second e-Activity, select the theory that you believe has the explanatory and predictive power regarding the confrontation between the United States and Iran. Justify your rationale.
    • Give your opinion of two (2) currently used policy prescriptions, using international relations paradigms, which you believe will impact the U.S. domestic policy over the next two years. Justify your response
    “The State, Society, and Foreign Policy”
    • From the first e-Activity, give your opinion if President Obama should seek Congress approval to authorize war on another country’s government for the acts of war crimes. Justify your rationale.
    • From the second e-Activity, prepare two (2) approaches to overall peacekeeping in Darfur that the United Nations can take, given its limited influence. Provide specific examples to support your rationale


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