
    ype:Individual Project
    Unit:Use Common Statistical Tests to Draw Conclusions From Data
    Due Date:Wed 3/8/17
    Grading Type:Numeric
    Points Possible:120
    Points Earned:0
    Deliverable Length:5001000 words
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    Assignment Description
    Company W is testing a sales software. Its sales force of 500 people is divided into four regions: Northeast Southeast Central and West. Each salesperson is expected to sell the same amount of products. During the last 3 months only half of the sales representatives in each region were given the software program to help them manage their contacts. The Northeast using the software sold 165 and the group with no software sold 100 The Southeast with software sold 200 and the group with no software sold 125. The Central groups with software sold 175 and the group with no software sold 125. The West group with software sold 180 and the group with no software sold 130. Using this data calculate the Chi Square statistic.
    The VP of Sales at WidgeCorp who is comfortable with statistics wants to know the possible null and alternative hypotheses for a nonparametric test on this data using the chi-square distribution. A nonparametric test is used on data that are qualitative or categorical such as gender age group region and color. It is used when it does not make sense to look at the mean of such variables. (You can refer to the article for this phase for further information.)
    The following information may be helpful in understanding Chi Square and Hypothesis testing:
    Chi Square / Hypothesis Testing
    Please reviewthis helpful video. The presenter uses the flip of the coin and the role of the die. These are examples and analogies used in the CTU resources.
    The following are assumptions you might make in this assignment that might make the assignment more helpful and make the responses more uniform:
    Bozeman Science. (2011 November 13).Chi-squared test[Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXPBoFDqNVk
    Please submit your assignment.
    For assistance with your assignment please use your text Web resources and all course materials.

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