Read the following articles about the water pollution crisis in Flint Michigan:
    Complete the following:
    Your paper must be in APA format.
    Please submit your assignment.
    Bernstein L. & Dennis B. (2016 July 29). Six Michigan employees charged with misconduct in Flint water crisis. The Washington Post. Retrieved from the Regional Business News (Ebsco) database in the CEC Library.
    Cama T. (2016 March 24). Michigan task force blames state government for Flint water crisis. The Hill 23(30) 13. Retrieved from the Masterfile (Ebsco) database in the CEC Library.
    CNN Library. (2017 February 2). Flint water crisis fast facts. Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/04/us/flint-water-crisis-fast-facts/
    Snyder B. (2016). Michigan’s governor just apologized for the Flint water crisis. Fortune.com. Retrieved from the Business Source Complete with Datamonitor (Ebsco) database in the CEC Library.
    Thompson B. (2016 April 20). Michigan judge authorizes first round of criminal charges in Flint water crisis. Christian Science Monitor n.p. Retrieved from the Academic Search Premier (Ebsco) database in the CEC Library.
    The United States: Remarks by the president after meeting with federal responders on the Flint Michigan water crisis-food bank of Eastern Michigan-Flint Michigan. (2016 May 06). Asia News Monitor. Bangkok Thailand. Retrieved from the ABI Inform Collection (Proquest) database in the CEC Library.
    For assistance with your assignment please use your text Web resources and all course materials.
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