Investigating the concept of social learning

    Assignment for module called Personality, Learning and Developing , 2000 word formally structured report investigating the concept of social learning .Specific tasks that need to be undertaken are:

    1. Define the term ‘social learning’ and critically review reports and articles on social learning in organisations today
    2. Gather examples of ways in which organisations have engaged social learning to help support their employees
    3. Critically evaluate the pros and cons of social learning approaches
    4. Evaluate the effectiveness of social learning given the increasing amount of remote workers and dispersed teams in organisations.
    5. Produce concluding paragraphs about the impact of the changing nature of work on learning processes. How do you believe social learning will evolve in the next 10 years

    . In addition, it is important that you include evidence from current research to illustrate your findings (e.g. academic journals, HR magazines, quality newspapers and the internet).
    The number of how many references should be is not specified. So the number of them depends only from illustrate arguments.
    Usually is around 25.
    Reference your work appropriately and include a full bibliography using the Harvard system.
    Show the word count on the front cover of your report.

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