Introduction to Research Skills

    Artefact 1, INTERPRETING STATISTICS: This is COMPULSORY (50% of total marks for the
    unit) and involves writing a report based on Excel files on drug users and frequent drug users.

    The Home Office report that includes reference to this data is there to give you some background
    information on how the data was collected and how to present data of this kind in graphs.

    Your report should include graphs, referred to as ‘figures’. ‘Figure’ is the correct terminology to use within APA referencing.

    Total: 1,500 words (or equivalent)

    Part 1: Interpreting Statistics (COMPULSORY question)

    The questions for Artefact 1 are based on Home Office Statistics on Drugs Misuse, collected as part of the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW). The full reference for a report that includes this data can be found on the next page. The URL was correct at the time of writing this assessment. However, web locations change, so we also provide a pdf of this report on the unit site. The report is posted
    FULL REFERENCE FOR THE HOME OFFICE FULL REPORT: Full report: Home Office (2013) Drug Misuse: Findings from the 2012/13 Crime Survey for England and Wales. [downloaded 2.5.2014]. The Excel file contains Tables from part of the above report that focusses on frequent drug use. You need to use the data in the Excel file in order to extract data for you report.

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