Section 1 is divided into 2 parts. The 1st part is about Vision, strategy and objectives and give real examples of your department?s objectives. The 2nd part is about the importance of communication, how you communicated the objectives and feedback(good points and bad points) about the way YOU COMMUNICATED. Give information on the FEEDBACK you received in terms of your body language, tone of voice, confidence etc about the way you COMMUNICATED the objectives.

    2nd section is about leadership. A scenario where YOU were LEADING a team. There are 4 questions relating to this leadership scenario.
    1st Question: Describe the scenario where you were leading a team. Explain what you did and how you did it. And then say what leadership style or styles you used in this same scenario.

    2nd question: Tell me what made you decide to use this leadership style that you decided to use in Q1. The factors, e.g time, the ability of followers, etc. You will find all the factors in the workbook. Give it to me in examples relating to your scenario in Q1. So this question has to do with the WHY. Why did you decide to lead by the particular leadership style described in Q1. For instance, I chose coaching style because Yolande did not understand how to enter information into an excel spreadsheet and I had time to teach her. Of course you need to explain in detail else I cannot give marks. Also say what was positive and what was negative about choosing that leadership style. For example, coaching Yolande took time and we did not have much time(negative) however she learned something new(Positive) Again, give detail and expand on each of the factors. Simply giving me one or 2 factors are not enough.

    3rd question: Evaluate and make an assessment of the effectiveness of the leadership style you used. Here you can refer back to the leadership model that your chosen leadership style belongs to. It was effective because of this and this according to this leadership module and not effective because of this and this. Give detail because it is worth 10 marks! You can also describe situational leadership here or any other theory or model your styles is from. This assessment must be based on feedback from others on your leadership potential and behaviour.

    4th question: Give your strengths and weaknesses you picked up while being the leader of this situation described in Q1.
    What did you do well and what can you improve on. Also important to say HOW you will improve your weaknesses. You can give action plan here or SWOT. Detail!
    Section 3 This is about motivation, support and development.
    1st question: Motivate team and individual referring to a motivational model in the workbook. Here you need to describe a situation where you needed to motivate someone in a team as well as the team.
    Write why you thought they needed motivation (because of factor A,B,C? workbook) and tell me what motivational theory these factors are from. Remember to put it in the scenario as examples. Then tell me WHY it is IMPORTANT for you as a leader to motivate that individual and group you described.

    2nd question: Support and individual as a leader. Describe a situation that you can give someone support in. This is what happened, this is how I supported him/her. Use them in a situation i

    3rd question: Develop a team and individual. Again describe another situation where u will help someone develop. Write what, and why and how. E.g. Remember again, detail and more than one example. You will find a lot of examples in the workbook.



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