Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder -Essay

    Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Identify information learned from:
    •    ‘Effective Educational Practices for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders’ pages 10 – 15
    •    class lecture
    that impacted on your knowledge/understanding of autism.
    Discuss how this information impacted on your knowledge.
    Assignment Length: Your assignment should be at least 500 words (12 fonts) in length.
    Assignment Marking: This assignment will be 10% of you mark for the course.
    Use the preceding Rubric to assist you in completing the assignment.
    Submit your assignment to the dropbox.

    Level 1    Level 2    Level 3
    Level 4
    CONTENT (12 marks)

    ?    Indicates new learning
    indicates reinforcement of previous knowledge
    makes reference to specific details

    Indicated minimal new learning
    Indicated minimal reinforced learning
    Minimal specific details from
    Information unclear or not relevant to task
    Indicated 1-2 areas of new learning
    Indicated 1-2 areas of reinforced learning
    Specific details for some new and reinforced learning explained
    Details are relevant to the learning    (3)
    Indicated 3+ areas of new learning
    Indicated 3+ areas of reinforced learning
    Specific details for all new and reinforced learning explained
    Details are relevant to the learning     (4)
    3+areas of new learning is provided,
    with detail
    Indicated 3+ areas of reinforced learning with detail
    Related specific details and information to personal experience/knowledge

    STRUCTURE (4 marks)
    ?    Uses paragraphs as directed

    ?    Applies accurate spelling and grammar    (1)
    Did not use paragraphs
    Significant errors in spelling/grammar    (2)
    Some accurate use of paragraphs
    Some errors in spelling/grammar    (3)
    Most accurate use of
    Few errors in spelling/grammar    (4)
    Accurate use of paragraphs
    No errors in spelling/grammar
    (4 marks)
    Attention to details for preparation and distribution
    •    Followed all instructions for completion of task
    •    Sent to appropriate dropbox    (0)
    More than 2 instructions missed &/or carried out    (2)
    2 instructions missed &/or carried out    (3)
    1 Instruction missed &/or carried out    (4)

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