
    (Architectural Firm)

    Julia thinks our idea is very interesting and will help the industry of architecture to save more time and effort to propose a fast and quick design to potential clients.

    (Project Manager)

    (Construction Company)

    Hans is aware of this can affect architect’s jobs and is worried that this AI can take over drafting jobs, however, Hans was very interested in our technology.

    (Project Engineer)

    (Construction Company)

    Alena thinks the industry of architecture firms, especially individual architectures can benefit from executing multiple projects by using our AI.

    (Logistics Manager)

    (Architecture Firm)

    Andrea is supporting this AI and she would like to explore it.


    (Construction Company)

    Jose, per his experience in the industry, Jose thinks that AI could help an individual architecture firm’s business owner to achieve many of their goals by getting more projects.

    (Sales Manager)

    (Construction Manager)

    Magdiel was very interested and like to see an AI that can easily help the industry of Architecture & Construction, however, he asked how much this technology would cost.

    (Production Manager)

    (Construction Company)

    Reydel thinks this technology can be successful.

    (Project Engineer)

    (Construction Company)

    Carlos thinks the idea is very great and can help so many architectural firms.


    (Construction Company)

    Francisco thinks this technology will help to speed up the project since this AI will provide a quick design by using historical design data.

    (Shop Manager)

    (Construction Company)

    Jorge would love to use this technology himself and he is very interesting.

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