Interview and narrative analysis Custom Essay

    I’m writing a narrative analysis assignment using ethnographic interviewing. My topic is cosmetics, why some women wear cosmetics everyday?
    I need you to write only the method section which will only include a literature review of ethnographic interviewing, narrative analysis and evidence based justification of the approach (I think this means I should explain why I used this methodology for my research question) and finally include the ethical considerations (I will upload the British Psychological Society code of ethics and conduct)
    I will upload all the files you need for this, you can use them all or some of them or do your own research, it’s up to you. It should be 600 words
    To make this more clear for you.. follow this:
    – Ethnographic interview (literature review + justification)
    – Narrative analysis (literature review + justification)
    – Ethical considerations:
    1. Respect
    2. Competence
    3. Responsibility
    4. Integrity
    I think most of the word count should be devoted to the literature review of ethnographic interview and narrative analysis, the justification bit should be brief and the ethics as well
    I’ll upload an example and the literature you need to write this as will the BPS code of ethics and conduct. You may or may not use them all or use your own, the number of reference you use doesn’t matter.

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