Ask the following questions, at the very least (feel free to add more questions at the end if you so choose. Be sure to type their answer below each question, as you hear it. Here is the list of questions you will neeed to ask:
1. How long have you been in your profession?
2. What requirements did you have to meet to be in the profession?
3. Are there any licenses or continuing education units you have to get each year or maintain?
4. What do you like most/least about your job?
5. What degree did you pursue to be in this field?
6. What is a typical day in your profession?
7. What do you recommend to someone who is trying to get into your field?
8. Where do you see your field in the next 10 years?
9. Are there any career advancements in your profession what are they?
10. What experience or exposure to you have to the use of drugs in sports?
11. What do you see as the single, biggest issue facing the use of drugs in sports?
12. What is your opinion concerning performance enhancing substances used during athletic performance? Agree, disagree, and why?
13. Are there any substances or supplements you support or believe are okay to use? If so, which ones?
Interviewee: Karen Halverson
Relationship: I was stationed with her in Montana for 2 years. 2004-2006
1- I have been a health coach and personal fitness trainer since 1991. I became certified in dietetics and nutrition in 2001. I did coaching part time until I retired from the Air Force in 2007.
2- requirements vary greatly depending on who employs you. I have my MS in Exercise Science, BS in Nutrition, a Master of Fitness Science Certification through American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and a Nutrition Certification through International Sports Science Association (ISSA).
3- I have to renew – via testing and application – my certification bi annually.
4- I like the most that I have an opportunity every day to impact the quality of someone’s life! . I don’t like when it’s clear to me that my concern for someone’s health outweighs their own. I end up more emotionally invested than the client, which means I end up frustrated and aggravated because they are not committed to what must be done to realise the changes they are looking for. When my clients fail, I take it personally, be it in my control or not.
5- MS in Exercise Science and BS in Nutrition.
6- I don’t have any typical days! (And I love that) I am an independent coach, so I always start my day checking email and voice mail for updates from clients. If I have new diets, or updates, to deal with, I do those also. Clients that I am meeting to train have varying schedules, so I may or may not meet for that; I train some people in a local gym, others in a park or at their homes for boot camp style conditioning. I also schedule appointments for body fat testing and weigh ins, always on Fridays. (Exceptions made if needed)
7- A few things I recommend for someone trying to get into this field are: educate yourself in nutrition as well as exercise. Healthy eating in about 75% of the battle, yet an astounding number of trainers know little about it. Also, to be lucrative, you must have a genuine passion for helping people get healthy! Your clients will know quickly if you really care … That passion is what makes good coaches. if you are looking for 9-5, this is not it.
8- I see this field continuing to grow! People are slowly opening their eyes to the harmful effects of poor eating and obesity and more and more diseases are being linked to obesity. I believe that as awareness grows, so will the need for professions that are doing anything to help fight this fat epidemic.
9-Career advancements are really self determined, unless you are employed at a University or the like. Advancements come in the form of expanding a client base, hire another trainer to work with or for you, being able to charge more because you have more experience and an excellent track record.
10- I used to train body builders almost exclusively. Several of them advanced their career through steroid and growth hormone use.
11- I see the biggest issue with drugs in sports simply being an inability to control it. There are chemists out there constantly creating new cocktails of synthetic drugs that are not yet being tested for. When it is identified, the list of banned substances grows … And when that happens, people make something else. It’s just a vicious cycle of everyone trying to beat the odds. (And the competition)
12- I am not an advocate of performance enhancing drugs, but do not object to their use either. I am keenly aware that in many sports these days, you have to you them if you want to be competitive. (Bodybuilding in particular)
13- I honestly don’t object to use of drugs in sports if used under the guidance of medical professional in quantities that a safe. It doesn’t matter if they are steroids or amino acids – too much of a good thing does not equate to a better thing. Point being, all ‘supplements’ would make my list of acceptable things to use, if we could find a way to control the use.