interpretation of William Faulkner “A Rose For Emily” 31

    The purpose of this assignment is for you to interpret a literary work. The rhetorical mode is argument. You must clearly explain your interpretation and convince your audience that your interpretation has merit.
    The main tool to write convincingly is to use primary and secondary evidence to back up your point. Primary evidence is from the literary text you are interpreting; secondary evidence is authoritative, college-level source material about the text.
    One major component of the research paper is proper documentation. This class requires excellent use of MLA documentation format and style.
    I will approve your thesis.
    3-5 pages.
    Minimum 4 authoritative, college-level sources. NB: your primary text is in addition to these secondary sources; therefore, the total for each essay is 5 sources.
    Eduardo Hernandez
    Dr. T. James
    Freshman English II.
    25 Aug 2010 [European Format]
    Fiction essay
    Title [Centered]
    All pages after the first page will have the student’s last name and page number in the upper right hand corner, for example, Smith 2
    All final papers must be double-spaced and submitted in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
    All papers must be neat and punctuated correctly with good grammar.
    Essays must be submitted with a works cited page attached.
    Papers not following writing guidelines will not be accepted.
    Book that must be cited Kennedy, X.J., and Dana Gioia. Literature an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. 12th ed. New York: Longman, 2013. Print. on pg 31

    Datebases you can use:
    book Review Digest Plus (EBSCO)
    Books and Authors (Gale)
    Essay & General Literature Index (EBSCO)
    InfoTrac Information Science & Library Issues eCollection (Gale)
    Library Literature & Information Science Full Text (EBSCO)
    Lit Finder (Gale)
    Literary Reference Center Plus (EBSCO)
    Literature Resources from Gale
    Sage Journals (Sage Publications)
    Salem Literature (Salem Press)

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