Interpersonal Style

    PSY 330 – Week 4 – DQ 2 – Interpersonal Style ***Theories Of Personality***Scored 100%

    My tutorial includes two answers to this DQ and you can choose any one of the two.

    Interpersonal Style

    Review this week’s reading and describe your interpersonal style.  What factors have affected the interpersonal style that you exhibit?  Do you think the source(s) of your interpersonal style are consistent with the theories underlying the models described in the course text?  Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and utilize at least one peer-reviewed source that was published within the last five years, cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

    Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ responses.  Reply substantively to two peers.  Did you find their interpersonal styles to be consistent with the theoretical models presented in the course text?  Were the sources of their interpersonal style different from yours?  Did their response cause you to analyze any of the aspects of your interpersonal style?

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