international relations


    review the following clip from the film Life and Debt which we viewed in class:

    Between 0:04 -1:54 and 2:24-2:36 in this clip two interviews are juxtaposed ? one with Michael
    Manley, the former President of Jamaica, and another with former Deputy Director of the IMF, Stanley
    Fischer. These two people present two very different perspectives on what Jamaica needed to do to get
    out of their economic crisis, and to grow economically.
    One of these people is clearly arguing a Bretton Woods/Development perspective and the other is
    clearly arguing an economic globalization/Neoliberal perspective.
    Which perspective is each person arguing? Please use quotes from the interviews to help
    demonstrate how each person is arguing their perspective. In what ways are they addressing the
    geography of their perspectives?
    In your answer, be sure to define and explain the perspectives taken, and clearly demonstrate how the
    discourse from each person engages and defends their perspective.
    Question 2. (Minimum 2 pages, maximum 3 pages)
    The ecological footprint is a conceptual tool which may be used to examine the ecological impact of
    individuals and societies. Please analyze the Bretton Woods era and the Neoliberal era from this
    ecological perspective. What are the major differences between the two eras in these ecological
    terms? Ecologically, how do they relate (or not) to the previous era of colonization?
    Be sure to draw from our readings::



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