international business

    international business

    Research Topic: Prepare a research report of no more than 3000 words on the following topic:
    ‘Organisations engaged in international business often use expatriate managers as part of their
    international human resources strategy. Highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of such a
    strategy, explain whether investments in expatriate managers are worthwhile for such organisations.’
    The report must include an Executive Summary, Introduction, Main Body (use sub-sections/headings), Concluding
    Recommendation and Reference List. The Executive Summary needs to be included but does not need to be
    counted in your word count.
    You will be assessed on your ability to recognise, analyse and discuss the key issues in the topic; and on your
    ability to appropriately use reference material to support your arguments. The quality of the sources of information
    you use, as well as your referencing skills, will be assessed. Written assignments must use the Chicago
    Referencing System (16 edn) and papers that are unsatisfactorily referenced will be returned unmarked. You th
    are expected to use at least twelve (12) different academic sources to support your arguments and discussion.
    The use of WIKIPEDIA online encyclopaedia is not allowed. This is not an essay. It is your responsibility
    tounderstand the format of a report. There are numerous business communication books that will show you the
    format/layout if you are unsure of what is required.

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