International Business

    International Business

    submit a report to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a major multinational company from china or India to aid in the formulation of the internationalisation strategy of that company. The Report must be no more than a maximum of 4,000 words and must follow standard academic writing conventions in terms of referencing. Further advice on the structure of the report is given below.
    The scenario of the report

    You are a consultant hired by an Indian or Chinese firm seeking to make its first entry into your home country (GCC Country). You are advising a large firm (you can choose one from the following industries, advertising, computer gaming, education, finance or the hospitality industries, or any other service sector, with agreement) on the advisability of such a move. Your role is to identify and provide advice on the challenges and opportunities from embarking upon such a path for your client. This will require analysis of the general business environment and, if you decide the project should proceed, advice on how to enter the market, with explanations of how the advice is arrived at .

    – Using tool of PESTEL and one of the SWOT or Porter’s,
    – Possible culture /institutional obstacles (talk about national culture issues and mention either Hofstede’s OR Trompenaars cultures dimensions, 4 Dimintions should be enough.

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