Internal Services Functions

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    Internal Services Functions

    Government is an institution that is mandated to carry out various functions to ensure that it meets the objectives of its citizens.  For it to ensure that, it achieves its mandate it is required to put in place various measures to ensure that qualified administrators manage its assets and services.   The internal service functions in a government setting relates to  issues such as management of property, risk management and issues dealing with pension funds among many other functions.

    An organization or any other institution that provides services should have qualified personnel to run and handle various functions.  Concerning internal function, I do understand fully, the way an organization or an institution needs to do in order to ensure that its functions satisfies or meets the needs and the goals of an organization. For instance, in the management of property, there are various requirements or conditions that should be put in place to ensure that property are well managed. One of the fundamental requirement and mandatory is to ensure that human capital in charge of such property is well qualified and understand procurement and general issues to do with accounting on property.  This is related to aspect of leadership. The leadership should be competent enough to ensure that these properties are well managed to avoid any misappropriation. The organization should put in place enough control measures that will help minimize any misappropriation of these property. It is also salient that frequent investigation and auditing is carried out to check whether these properties are well managed or not.  Taking and managing risk is also something that many organization are not aware of or do not give it enough support in their operations. Business risks are important and may be an opportunity for an organization to achieve its objectives. However, sometimes some risks are not worth taking because of the adverse effects that they may impact to the organization. Therefore, to ensure proper management of such risks, it requires proper investigation and analysis of any project before taking a step further to invest in such.

    In the reading, there are various issues which did not make sense. In my opinion, I regard leadership as the foundation and the pillar of success of any organization. The top-most leader is the most important person in the organization when it comes to implementation and instituting change. Poor leaders are manifested through lack of vision and general leadership in the organization. Good leaders in an organization take or make their decision by consulting key stakeholders. Therefore, in any given department of an organization, leaders have the authority to consult others before making important decisions. Employees in the areas should not be the only one who are consulted but all stakeholders because, some decisions may not be affecting employees alone.

    The success of an organization or an institution is therefore achieved through combination of all important aspects in an organization. The leader needs support from the subordinates. The reverse is actually true. In situations where there are good leaders and the subordinates lack the same vision, it becomes difficult for such organizations to achieve their goals and visions. Nevertheless, there are various concepts that have encouraged me and which I feel can be applied in my career to ensure that I achieve my goals. Working together as a team is important in ensuring that an individual achieves his/her goals.  Such opportunity helps and acquaints an individual with different perspectives and views that can help in enhancing or propelling the level of understanding hence important in my career.  This can be applied through formation of groups. The groups must have a common goal and agree to work together as a unit to achieve the team’s objective. Therefore, this will require good leadership in the group to unite the members towards achievement of the set goals. Sometimes it may not be easy; however, challenges makes a person grow stronger and are therefore welcome.

    In conclusion, it is therefore important for organizations to have a clear vision on what they want to achieve. Good leadership to provide good administration services is also important in ensuring that an organization achieves its goals. This can be achieved by having proper and organized internal services functions to ensure that all aspects that contribute towards success are pursued and realized. It requires having adequate skills in the specific areas of specialization and being open and transparent. 


    Borodzicz, E. (2005). Risk, Crisis and Security Management. New York: Wiley.

    Robert, S., Lynch, T. (2003). Public Budgeting in America, Fifth edition, Parson    Publisher.


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