Internal Communication Outline

    The outline is to be detailed; that is, there should be three levels in the outline. The first level is the top: introduction, body, and conclusion. The second level should be the major sections of the paper, and the third level should be the major ideas within each section. The introduction and conclusion should be written out and the final references (no annotation) should be listed on the reference pages.

    In your introduction, please make clear what the thesis statement of your paper will be. The thesis statement is that compelling idea or vital piece of information you are trying to communicate in this paper. The thesis should be the focal point of the introduction and the paper itself; it is usually located as either the first or last sentence of the introduction.

    The conclusion should summarize the major points of the paper that support the thesis. A good conclusion is difficult without a good thesis.

    Please visit this OWL Purdue website that explains what a thesis statement is and provides examples of how to write one:

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