Internal Capabilities and Resources

    Why is it important for a firm to study and understand its internal organization?

    What is value chain analysis? What does the firm gain by successfully using this tool?

    What factors affect the likelihood a firm will take a competitive action?

    What factors affect the likelihood that your organization will initiate a competitive response to a competitor’s actions?

    What is outsourcing? How do you see the future of outsourcing in your own industry? Do you see it growing, declining & why?

    What does it mean to say that each core competence could become a core rigidity?

    How do you see the relationship between an organization’s “org” structure and its strategy? Discuss what it means to say that structure and strategy have a reciprocal relationship

    How do firms identify internal strengths and weaknesses? Why is it vital that managers have a clear understanding of their firm’s strengths and weaknesses?

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