Intergovernmental Management

    Intergovernmental Management

    Transportation/Energy Health Care Reform
    Medicare/Medicaid Homeland Defense/Disaster Response
    Housing Welfare Reform
    Education Immigration
    Environment Internet Commerce
    This is an analytical paper; it is not intended to be a polemic. While many of the suggested topics are controversial, your focus is not to persuade the reader on the issue per se; but rather, to analyze how intergovernmental relations/management impacted the development, passage, or implementation of a particular policy.
    Consider how the process influenced the outcome whether for success or failure. You should present a balanced view of the issue, for example explaining unemotionally why the federal government chose preemption in a particular case and why one or more states found it objectionable. Based upon your analysis, you may then conclude that a particular approach was or was not appropriate. Or, in the case of an issue that is still under consideration, you can describe which approaches you deem most appropriate. You need to draw at least 20 references from scholarly articles/academic journals to support your approach. In addition to academic journals, you may wish to look at legislation (available through the Government Printing Office at ) and the Congressional Record (available at ). Supreme Court cases are available at and

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