Integration and Reflection





    Integration and Reflection

                This course has enabled me to improve my knowledge, skills and abilities in several ways. My writing skills have been enhanced dramatically after learning through this course because it explained the different methods of writing. The course also provided clear guidelines on persuasive writing. My knowledge and mastery of the English language has become better. This is attributed to the various aspects of grammar taught in the course. The main ability I have developed from this course is the ability to innovate compelling arguments. This is due to the topic of writing arguments that was taught during the course. This course has also enabled me to improve myself. This is because it has increased my knowledge in different aspects pertaining to the subject.

    The course had three main areas of study, which include rhetorical appeals, narrative and descriptive writing and reading and writing about arguments. My performance was satisfactory, but there are some things that I should have done in order to improve my performance. I would have taken the review sessions more seriously in order to understand the topics that I might have not understood in class. The use of questions in my revision is another crucial thing I should have taken into consideration. This is because the questions would have exposed me to the different ways used by examiners to ask questions.

    The topic I did not understand well during the course is the topic on rhetoric appeals. This may be because the reference material pertaining to this topic was rather limited. The instructor also did not provide any other reference sources, which the students could have used to enhance their understanding. This mad it hard for us to read on our own after the lesson and therefore, perform badly in this topic. The instructor should provide reference sources for students in order to facilitate their follow-up studies.

    This course will be useful in the future since I want to pursue a career in writing. From the basic knowledge offered from this course, it will enable me to write quality material that will be in accordance to requirements of the publishers for instance. It is also beneficial because it will not require spending money to learn the topics learnt during this course.

    I achieved the course objectives provided at the beginning of the course. This is because I was able to understand the ways to overcome writer’s block. This will be fundamental in my future career. I was also able to explain the importance of simplicity in sentence structures. This enabled me to avoid grammatical errors. Another objective was to create a simple sentence as part of a larger comprehensible narrative essay and to describe the importance of coherent paragraphs. This enabled me to write masterly narrative essays by following these regulations. The creation of the basic structure of an academic paper helped me during the writing of my papers. The final objective was to discuss the difference between narrative and descriptive components of an essay. This was fundamental since it enabled me to tell the differences in both essays and to know where to apply them.

    In preparation for the next course in English, I will review all the other courses that I have learnt. This will be in order to ensure that I recall the content taught before. This will make sure that I have a solid background before the next course commences.

    The aspect of repetition has helper me to get comfortable with the fundamental aspects of writing. This is because continued repetition improves the remembrance of these aspects. In this course, there was a lot of repetition that ensured that all the students were constantly reminded the fundamental aspects of the writing process.

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