Integrated strategy

    You are required to advise the Head of Maritime and Management and Logistics on an integrated strategy for commercial project work within that section of your University.
    You are required to advise, review and recommend as appropriate on the following:
    • Suitable types of project which could be undertaken in future, ensuring that they are academically sound and meet the learning outcomes associated with the task. (There is no need to make any direct approaches to companies, but suggestions would be readily received.)
    • Academic best practice in the closely-related academic area, if possible giving at least one case study. (Hint: start by using the search criterion “Work-related Learning” in Google.)
    • Supporting lecture content, e.g. was the content of the first 4-5 weeks of semester 2 relevant or should it be replaced with something different?
    • The role of reflection and how it relates to Personal Development Planning

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