
    This paper introduces the present and future functions of museums and talks about the form of organisation and its content optimum for future task performance and prospective staffing competencies, which will assist my research to analysis the public education program and staff issues in China.

    Reid, N. (2011). Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues. Canadian

    Society for Education through Art. Faculty of Education.

    Reid introduces several approaches to museum education in the perspective of social change and social capital. The paper emphasis on the responsibility of museum and galleries as an important educational institution to reflect societal changes and institutional revelations. This paper assists my research on intra- institutions collaborations for art programs.

    Lemon, N. (2013). Voice, Choice, Equity and Access: Young Children Capture their Art

    Gallery Education Experiences. The Journal of Museum Education, 38(3), 349–363.

    This paper talks about the role of digital cameras in gallery’s art education and learning program and reveals the reformation of the programs. This paper reflects that the internal training for the program is essential with the rapid development of technologies.

    Innella, V. (2010). Curriculum and the gallery space: A service-learning partnership. Art

    Education, 63(3), 46-52.

    This article talks about the partnership of gallery space with community

    Organization and introduces the concept of service-learning. It is important resource to guide my research to further evaluate the relationship among staff, visitors and community.


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