inquiry argument

    inquiry argument


    This paper closely follows the writing project instruction in chapter 8 of The aims of argument.
    Part 1: state your initial opinion and reasoning.
    -Choose your own topic. It should be an opinion about something -serious or trivial -that you currently hold but have never done any research.
    Example: "human activity is the cause of global warming ." This is just a sample from instructor so please do not use this topic.
    -Before doing any research, write the first part of your paper . state your opinion and initial reasoning.
    -Part2: Describe your inquiry.
    -Research your topic. Consider sources that both agree ( at least 3 ) and disagree ( at least 3 ) with your initial thoughts. You are not providing your opinion. You are inquiring and responding to the sources that you read. For example, you could address the following considerations:
    -what is the argument’s claim?
    -Are the reasons adequate to support the claim?
    -Are there any hidden assumptions in the argument?
    -Are there fallacies in its reasoning?
    -Is any important information or evidence omitted?
    -Is any information false, contradictory or irreconcilable?
    – What did you think about what you read?
    -Also discuss the conversation you had with your "primary source." Although you do not need to create a word by word transcript, do use quotes and paraphrases in your papers.
    Part 3: state your opinion and reasoning after your inquiry .
    -You are not arguing a point in this section either. This part should be a reflection of your thought process after deliberately inquiring about your initial opinion. Do you have more evidence that supports your initial claims? Is your opinion less strong? has your opinion changed ? Do you need to do more research?
    – Will use turnitin sire so please do not plagiarizer.





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