Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

    This assignment is on innovation course, its on reflecting on the 6 sandpits I’m going to list below. I need you to create a summary of the critical aspects and how they link to the concepts of the workshops that I’m going to attach. and then synthesise the view from what have been learnt. I’m going to list all the sandpits and the work shop related to it and then link each one with the concepts in the workshop related please.

    1-legogame (creation) this is on workshop number 4 that is attached,please link the idea of sandpit to the concept and what have been learnt.

    2. To build a family tree(revolution tree of product) that shows how products are started from the scratched like the real history of the product its on worshop number 6, please link the idea of sandpit to the concept and what have been learnt.

    3. been given empty toilet rolls and hangers to create something it on workshop number 7,please link the idea of sandpit to the concept and what have been learnt.

    4.been given empty boxes and containers to create something useful its on workshop 10,please link the idea of sandpit to the concept and what have been learnt.

    5. went to a cafe (pattern recognition) and try to think how improve the cafe the products nd services offered by being innovative and sourcing opportunities and process of innovation. its on workshop number 12, please link the idea of sandpit to the concept and what have been learnt.

    6.all students are asked to bring anything and put the stuff all together to create something useful then students started yo create interesting things. its on workshop number 15, please link the idea of sandpit to the concept and what have been learnt.

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