Innovation Definition

    The reason is simple – everything that deals with human behavior or cognition (or anything that is a part of social science) is a subject of an individual’s interpretation. “Leadership” concept itself has over 100 different definitions as researchers utilized different perspectives (e.g., behavioral, trait based, value based) to study “leadership”. When you read papers in social or behavior science, the first question asked is – what does the author mean by leadership, communication, emotion, alliance, transformation, etc?

    In this assignment, you are asked to provide your definition of “innovation.” This definition should be:

    (1) written from a perspective of the global leadership field (not just “innovation” in general; and
    (2) reflect your own understanding of innovation considering your dimensions.

    The paper is only 2-3 pages. However, it should be structured as a persuasive argument that convinces your reader in scholarly utility of your definition. Include up to 6 references and demonstrate that your definition is derived and supported by previous studies. Use examples and be creative. The definition will be included in your final paper.

    See this Web site for assistance in developing your definition:

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