Inner Conflict

    Inner Conflict

    Several of the literary works we have read this semester portray characters who suffer from extreme inner conflicts: these characters have multiple desires, and these desires are not compatible with each other. How do such painful inner conflicts develop? They are often caused by multiple and interrelated factors. Characters’ inner lives may be shaped by limiting or violent social systems. They may feel torn by conflicting demands that cannot both be met. And there may be other reasons why characters are internally conflicted, having to do with their own personal ways of thinking, or their own flaws as individuals. Compare and contrast the various reasons why characters may come to feel inner emotional divisions. Also: think about how characters attempt to deal with these inner conflicts. How do they respond, in terms of thoughts and feelings and fantasies, and in terms of external acts? As you think about the different relevant characters, you should assess or evaluate the characters’ various responses to their situations. Are there some characters that you find more admirable or sympathetic than others?


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