Initiate a national health insurance program in the united states.

    Initiate a national health insurance program in the united states.

    The research paper will be minimum seven (7) pages. It should include an outline (Table of Contents) and a Works Cited page. It should be typed and double-spaced, fonts size 12 Times New Roman. It will follow the MLA (Modern Language Association) guidelines. 

    My topic is on, We should Initiate a national health insurance program in the united states.

    I have an outline that I will email to you guys, also I have 5 websites that i get my sources from for my outline.


    Please review and confirm.







    I have this 15 page paper. It is supposed to be divided equally in our group of 4 students.

    We will be dong the fair trade coffee cooperative in Kenya.

    My part on this project will be the section b) SWOT, analysis risk assessment etc…

    It is a doctoral type of writing paper, this professor only has 4 students in the class so he really reads every single word on the papers 🙂

    He assigned me the task of leadership on this group project. 

    Do you understand that my part is the body of this paper? 

    Do you have an understanding of these terms? SWOT, rusk assessment etc?

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