Inherent conflict between desirable places to live in the U.S.

    Inherent conflict between desirable places to live in the U.S. (coastal areas in particular) and the regions most at risk from recurring natural hazards
    Note the inherent conflict between desirable places to live in the U.S. (coastal areas in particular) and the regions most at risk from recurring natural hazards. Why do people persist in living in such “threatened” areas?
    Discuss the public confusion of emergency management terminology and mitigation in particular.
    Why do you suppose the public is unfamiliar with the government’s emergency management terminology (i.e., mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery)?
    What factors contribute to the breakdown in communication?
    Who do you feel is (or should be) responsible for communicating these concepts to the public?
    How might you better communicate the concept of mitigation to citizens in your community if you were responsible for an emergency management education campaign?
    Day 1 Assignment Questions
    1. Assess the capability of your local government to address the hazards that impact your community. Describe your community’s preparation related to the four phases of the emergency management cycle and identify which phase might be the weakest.
    2. What types of natural hazards are probably the most/least difficult to mitigate? What types of technological and human hazards present the most/least clear opportunities for mitigation?
    3. If a major disaster occurred in where you live, what local infrastructure, economic, or community resources would be impacted? What would the results of that impact be on the community?
    Todays Class Power Points
    Reflection Journal
    In your reflection journal entry for this week, address the following in 2-3 paragraphs, integrating the knowledge you have gained during this week:
    Think back to what you wrote in your pre-assessment journal.
    How would you change your answer so that it’s clear your community’s plan is related to the four phases? How would you do this while also explaining the concept of mitigation?
    This entry is worth 5 points and is required.
    Muddiest Point Journal
    Use this journal to record any areas in the module that you found confusing or unclear. Comments and suggestions from students help me to continually improve this course and I appreciate your feedback. This journal is private and is only viewable by you and your instructor. I will review your journal posts at the end of the week.

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