PURPOSE: The primary objective of this informative speech is to inform or teach your audience about a topic of interest. You are to share information clearly with your audience so that they receive the information, understand it, and retain it.

    1. SPEAKER ORDER: You will know in advance the date that you will present your informative speech and the order of speakers. Order of speaking will not change unless another student is willing to change with you.

    2. TIME LIMIT: Four to six minutes. Your speech is expected to not exceed six minutes nor be under four minutes. Time yourself in rehearsal so that you don’t go over or under time. Don’t assume you’ll adjust for time problems during the actual presentation.

    3. TOPIC SELECTION: Select a topic you find interesting, one you think will interest your audience. Think of a new and different topic or add a new twist to a common topic.

    4. SUPPORTING MATERIALS: Use your own knowledge of the topic first; then find outside published and/or interview sources to back up your points. You must include a minimum of two outside sources of different types. Only one personal interview will count as a source. Please remember: it is very important that you cite your source orally during the speech, as well as in the bibliography that you turn in with your outline.

    5. AUDIENCE ANALYSIS: Speaking effectiveness is greatly dependent upon how well you analyze your audience and adapt your speech to them. Reflect on your class audience, their demographics, their knowledge of and interest in your topic.

    6. ORGANIZATION AND WRITTEN WORK: Structure your ideas and outline, using supporting material for substance. The speech should have only one overall thesis, with three or four main points. The typed outline you hand in the day you speak should conform to the format discussed in class. Also turned in with the outline is a bibliography of all sources used in your speech. Use APA or MLA style for the bibliography.

    7. DELIVERY: This is not a manuscript speech. You should not read your speech. Your notes should contain a brief outline of the speech or key words to cue your memory.

    8. PRESENTATION AIDS: You are not required to use Presentation Aids for this first major speech.


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