Influence/Outcome that our society is about to face due to Artificial Intelligence (robots, emerging technologies)

    Please come up with revised, better topic. 
    Must take a side, whether the artificial intelligence has positive influence/ or negative influence on our society. 

    Sources should be: 
    4 Scholarly Journals, 
    2 Books/ Article/ Magazine
    2 .com 

    There should be one opposition paragraph before the conclusion. 

    Nice hook in the introduction paragraph. 

    In thesis statement, my professor wants us to list the ideas/topics of the body paragraphs. (old fashioned way) 

    Smooth transitions throughout the paper. 

    Professor says the body paragraph ideas should be in following order: 2nd strongest idea, weakest, finish with the strongest idea.

    MLA format, 1-inch margins on the top, bottom and both sides, etc. 

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