Influence, Power and Leadership: Over the years we all develop patterns on how we react to people and situations Custom Essay

    That’s not to say that we always respond in the same way, but that we have a predominate way we respond.
    How will you influence, use power and lead?

    According to the text book there are eight generic on-the-job influence tactics. These are called generic because they can be used to influence lower-level employees (downward influence), peers (lateral influence) and superiors (upward influence).

    1. Consultation: seeking someone’s participation in a decision or change
    2. Rational persuasion: trying to convince someone by relying on a plan or logic.
    3. Inspirational appeals: appealing to someone’s emotions, values or ideals
    4. Ingratiating tactics: making someone feel important or good, acting humble
    5. Coalition tactics: seeking the aid of others to persuade someone to agree
    6. Pressure tactics: relying on intimidation, demands or threats
    7. Upward appeals: obtaining formal or informal support of upper management
    8. Exchange tactics: offering an exchange of favors, offering a personal sacrifice.

    Using each of these three examples:
    · lower-level employees (downward influence),
    · peers (lateral influence) and
    · superiors (upward influence)

    I want you to think about these and prepare a 3 page paper: How Will You or Do You Get Your Way?

    You can use examples of what you have done in the past and how effective it was (or perhaps wasn’t); you can use examples of how you have seen these in practice; you can describe ideas you have learned in this or other classes.

    You do not have to include the following however these comments may give you some ideas think about.
    •· If you use one approach predominately, can you envision yourself doing something differently if needed? Is so, how would you practice learning this new style to see if you can actually do it?
    •· We all have different agendas, goals and behavioral styles. Do you understand these differences and how will you deal with them?
    •· It’s important that as a leader, your behavior is consistent with the organization’s stated vision, values and mission. Give some thought as to how you will approach this.
    •· Effectively managing a multi-generational workplace requires that individuals and organizations be willing to explore differences, encourage respect and take responsibility to find common ground. Give an example showing why your tactic will work.

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