influence and Efficiency of Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment in Well-being facility preparation

    Order Description
    The Influence and Efficiency of Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment in Well-being facility preparation
    You may receive guidance on your proposal from your potential supervisor, but the proposal must be written by you. Please limit your proposal to two pages (excluding references).
    Include a brief overview of your proposal describing the research topic/research area in general.
    Background/literature review
    Your research topic needs to be located in its context and background. You should include the motivation for doing your research and how your thesis would fill a gap in the existing literature. In drafting this background, you need to show the theoretical basis of this research, as well as how and why the topic is important and why it is worth researching. This means:
    • Contextualising the research problem – how does it arise?
    • Referring to core literature currently associated with the topic. What other research has been conducted which has directly or indirectly attempted to address your research questions?
    Describe what you intend to accomplish and the questions that your research would address. Detail concise and precise objectives that should follow logically. Objectives are the ultimate deliverables and different types of objectives lead to different types of research methodology and design.
    Briefly explain how you will conduct your research and address the research questions and objectives. Discuss the kinds of sources you hope to consult and the methods you will use to extract and process the information you gather. You should refer to an accepted research method or approach. Describe how information will be gathered, analysed and reported.
    The methodology section typically might:
    • refer to an accepted method or approach;
    • highlight problems in developing a suitable approach (methodological issues);
    • describe how information will be generated, analysed and reported.
    Explain why this topic is worth considering and how this research will contribute to both theory and practice. What will this new knowledge add to the field of knowledge that already exists on this topic? What new perspective will you bring to the topic? How can your work make a contribution to the field and what is original about what you want to do?
    Insert the references related to your proposal here using recognised and appropriate international standard of referencing. Normally a minimum of ten key references would be considered acceptable.
    You can visit the below thesis as a sample only to have an idea about the thesis proposal I am trying to put together

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