Industrial Ergonomics

    Industrial Ergonomics

    Course Text Book
    Helander, M. (2006). A guide to human factors and ergonomics (2nd ed). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press —Taylor and Francis Group.

    1) Regarding the history of ergonomics, in your own words review the earliest beginnings up to the present day including a discussion of OSHA’s regulatory activities and rulemaking on this subject.

    2) A seated operator is expected to monitor a visual display in a dark room. As the designer of the workplace, what are some considerations specific to the eye and vision that must be taken into account? In your own words, which ergonomic parameters would you consider with resp

    3) Question Select a workstation in your environment. Describe it and evaluate it with respect to general considerations in respect to controls, displays, and symbols present in the workstation design

    4) Find two different examples of work posture with which you are familiar. Describe them and compare and contrast each one. Do you believe that these are the most appropriate for the task involved?

    5) Select three materials handling devices found in your organization or ones that you select to research for this question. Analyze these devices as used discussing how they are used, and what benefits have resulted from their use. Propose a design improvement for one of your examples, or an alternate device(s), you believe would improve the overall ergonomics in that situation

    6) PowerPoint Presentation
    Create a 7-10 slide presentation on information processing and design. You may use various sources including your textbook. Be sure to cite any sources used in a reference slide with proper APA formatting. (Cover and reference slides do not count). You may also use the slide notes function to explain slide contents as necessary.
    Be sure to include the following information in your presentation:
    • Description of the structure and function of the eye
    • How to measure illuminance and luminance
    • Cost efficiency of illumination
    • Information processing theories
    • Capabilities and limitations of various information input mechanisms factors in the design of interfaces between humans and computers

    7) Case Study
    Back Belts: You are the Safety Manager at a production manufacturing facility that has had a high number of recordable and reportable back injuries in the warehouse and production areas over the past year and half. The plant manager has assigned you the task of “doing something about it – YESTERDAY.”
    Prepare a short paper on the subject of black belts and their use in preventing back injuries. The paper will review information from at least one manufacturer and you are to review the information available from NIOSH as well.
    Discuss their use and describe the research on their effectiveness. Would you recommend the use of the belts and under what circumstances as part of your overall approach to the problem at your plant? Are there any requirements or instances where you would not permit the use of these devices? What other materials/ programs/training would you use to supplement the use, or non-use, of back belts?
    The Case Study assignment for this course is based on the material listed above for back belts, and should include the following components:
    1. A brief introduction of the topic
    2. Background information from at least one manufacturer of back belts
    3. Background information from NIOSH
    4. Analysis of the key points in the case study answering the key questions identified above
    5. Summary of the case study’s conclusions and your own opinions
    The assignment should be a minimum of 2 pages , and should be double-spaced. use the APA format in writing course papers. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.

    Work Related Injury/Stress Analysis
    Submit Parts 1, 2, and 3 as one word document. Separate each part in the document with a page break.
    Part 1: (minimum of 200 words)
    Complete the knife analysis exercise on p. 223 of the textbook. Describe the differences in the knives shown in Figure 11.8. Discuss the results of the analysis and provide reasons why it is important to have so many types of knives.
    Part 2:(minimum of 200 words)
    Analyze the effect of each measure in the Equation for heat stress in Table 12.3 on p. 235 in the textbook: M-W=C+R+E
    Discuss what measures would be practical to reduce heat stress, and why some measures would not be practical in the following environments:
    • A deep underground metal mine where the temperature is 90 degrees with 99% humidity.
    • An office at 90 degrees and 50% humidity.
    • Outdoor tennis game at 90 degrees and 50% humidity.
    Part 3: (minimum of 200 words)
    Discuss Poulton’s and Broadbent’s Theories on the effects of noise on performance.
    Discuss the positive and negative effects of noise on:
    • Repetitive assembly
    • Performance in problem solving

    9)Case Study
    Select one of the three NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluations listed below, and perform a critical analysis of the report.
    • Option 1. HHE Report No. HETA-92-0073-2337, United States Postal Service, General Mail Facility, Denver, Colorado – NOTE: Deals with mail handling equipment.
    • Option 2. Health Hazard Evaluation Report, HETA-99-0283-2855, Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming – NOTE: Deals with the use of snowmobiles.
    • Option 3. Health hazard evaluation report, HETA 2002-0239-2922, United States Postal Service, Norman, Oklahoma – NOTE: Deals with the use of Segway Human Transporter.
    1. The ergonomic issues involved
    2. The research conducted (and what type of study)
    3. The findings and recommendations, and
    4. Any other significant point
    Please include comments on the following:
    1. What did you learn in this review?
    2. What more would you like to have seen discussed?
    Your answer to this assignment should be two to four pages, double-spaced, with one inch margins and no more than a 12 pitch font. The assignment requires that you use your text and at least two other references and readings, which pertain to the topic in question.



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