Individual reflective essay based on a consumption scenario / consumer experience of your choice.

    Individual reflective essay based on a consumption scenario / consumer experience of your choice.
    Order Description
    Look within: Reflective essay. preferred as first person, (I, me, my)

    – To Write a Confessional story(first hand situation) based on a consumption scenario.

    – Concepts and perspectives, models and framework are attached. Please read through throughly and tick checklist when covered.

    – Build from key concepts and perspectives. Application of theory and or model. For instance, Consumer mis-behaviour.

    Consumption experience, write about something that you have purchased, an experience that have encountered or undergone as a consumer, experiences, shaped you as a person.

    Consumption and consumer behaviour about having, becoming and being, possession buying and having the experience, having something and being someone is also an important part of the consumption experience, to illustrate, examples.

    Theories and approaches
    i) Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Buying Decision making process as a way to orient thinking.

    – Choose key concepts that are relevant and stand out, pick a theme of narratives and try to build your story around these narratives but therefore does not need to be strict demarcation. You will realise many overlaps.

    – When you take core concepts and apply to marketing and consumption behaviour, it affects the different ways by the idea we bring to marketing practices.

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