Individual Initial Concept: Identify someone who uses both the full-version and the mobile-version of a website

    o Identify someone who uses both the full-version and the mobile-version of a website. Include a screenshot or photo of the homepage of both versions.
    o With their permission, take their picture and provide a brief bio. NOTE: Take a picture. Do not download it from a social media application.
    o Beyond their biographic information, ask them a set of questions of your choosing to better understand their use goals.
    o Determine why he/she uses both versions through an interview, specifically comparing and contrasting the experience of using each version of the website.
    o Include the questions that you asked as well as the interviewee’s exact responses.

    Grading Rubric
     Did you include a photo of your interviewee? If not, minus 5-10 points.
     Did you include a bio, inclusive of interests, skills, and hobbies, for your interviewee? If not, minus 10-15 points.

     Did you include a screenshot or a photo of both the full-version and the mobile-version of the website? If not, minus 5-10 points.
     Did you include the interviewee’s exact responses to all of the interview questions provided, including questions probing the interviewee’s experience using each version of the website? If not minus, 5-20 points.
     Did you discuss the current reading from Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited as well as material covered in the class? If not, minus 2-4 points.
     Did you reflect on how your personal design philosophy has evolved and/or on how what you have learned influenced your design decisions when completing your assignment? If not, minus 2-4 points.
     In general, if you didn’t cite a source, including when you’re the source, minus 1 point for each missing citation. In addition, if you did a poor job of laying out your assignment and were not thoughtful about presentation in general, additional points may be deducted.

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