Individual Career Plans

    Individual Career Plans
    This course is concerned with developing your understanding of business concepts and careers. The focus is on providing you with ways of thinking about business and the processes involved in launching and developing a successful career.

    As an introductory course we will aim to improve your knowledge of general business management as well as allocate time to developing your knowledge and skills associated with functional areas of business such as accounting, finance, human resources, information science, marketing, and operations management. In addition, attention will be directed toward specific career development issues including job search techniques, resume writing, job interviewing, establishing interpersonal relationships, and building your personal and professional network.

    The distinguishing characteristic of this business course is that we will sample elements of the business environment and attempt to help you to realize where your interests and personal characteristics may best be applied.

    This course has seven primary objectives:
    (1) to increase your business vocabulary.
    (2) to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze your own strengths, weaknesses and interests associated with organizational activities.
    (3) to increase your knowledge of the functional areas of business.
    (4) to develop your ability to think critically by engaging you in career planning activities.
    (5) to instill in you a sense of self-efficacy associated with the study of business.
    (6) to introduce you to, and develop your mastery of, current information technology.
    (7) to enhance your understanding of the impact of the various dimensions of diversity on organizations, including the enhancement of your ability to recognize the distinctiveness of each person’s experience, your capacity to respect the individuality and dignity of each organizational member, and your ability to work effectively with diverse individuals and teams.
    Course Structure:
    In order to achieve the above objectives, a combination of readings, lectures, exercises, group and class discussion will be used to focus on developing your understanding of business. Self-managing work teams will be used to facilitate peer collaboration as we address the questions that arise throughout the semester. Although substantive knowledge is important, your ability to verbally communicate (in writing or speech) is essential to your success throughout your collegiate as well as your professional career. Thus, the following elements of the course structure emphasize your preparation for verbal participation whether it is manifested in written or oral form.

    NOTE: Course structure and schedule is subject to change as announced in class or noticed via e-mail directed to your university e-mail address.
    Class Participation
    Much of your learning in this course will occur during exercises and discussions of course concepts. The success of these exercises and discussions will be, in part, dependent upon each of you preparing well for class by completing the assigned reading and tasks.

    It is expected that each of you attend the class in both the physical as well as the psychological sense. In other words, be prepared, think critically and make constructive, concise, persuasive comments both in presentation of your ideas and in response to the comments of others. It is expected that the team process used for exercises will contribute to the classroom experience by enhancing the quality of class discussions.

    Class participation may be a voluntary open-ended exploration of relevant issues, or I may ask direct questions of students or student teams. Participation in class discussions and in-class exercises contributes 20% toward your overall grade. Specifically, 25 points can be earned for involvement in each of 8 randomly chosen class meetings.

    Written Assignments
    Two written assignments are required:
    (1) Strategic Plan using a SWOT Analysis (group project)
    (2) An individual written career development plan.

    Three multiple-choice exams will be given throughout the semester. Each exam will cover the material assigned during the period leading-up to the exam. The exams are designed to provide incentive to read the assigned materials carefully and to participate actively in class sessions. The exams are not cumulative.

    Each exam will be worth 100 points.

    NOTE: All material submitted to the instructor will not be retained after March 1, 2013.


    SOM Undergraduate Course Policy:
    “A student whose work is incomplete in a minor way at the end of the term, or who is unavoidably absent from the final exam for a reason considered excusable by the instructor, may receive an I (Incomplete). Work must be completed and submitted, or the final examination taken, within the six-week period which begins on the last day of exams for the term in which the incomplete is given. If a student fails to complete the required work, or if the instructor does not grant the privilege, then the final grade is an E, unless the quantity and quality of all work completed merits a passing grade, as determined by the instructor. In extenuating circumstances, the Academic Review Committee may grant an extension of time. A student’s petition must be endorsed by the instructor and received by the Committee before the expiration of the specified six-week period.” (UMF Catalog 2007-09, p. 273)

    SOM Accessibility Policy:
    School of Management provides its students with disabilities the necessary tools for empowerment, self-advocacy, and independence in the university environment through Accessibility Services of the University. To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact, Accessibility Services in 264 UCEN, 762-3456.


    , in its commitment to achieve its articulated educational objectives, designs and implements instruments to assess student learning outcomes. The results of these measurements provide feedback to the School of Management and are used to improve our courses, the delivery of these courses, and our degree programs. Your comprehension of material covered in this course, like that of most core BBA/MBA courses, may be assessed through the SOM learning assessment program. In addition, student products from this course may be used in connection with the SOM learning assessment program. All student products used for this purpose will contain no identifying features so as to protect the anonymity of students.
    that is the syllabus




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