Independent Research

    The topic is a research proposal, here are the given instructions :

    Objective: To demonstrate your ability to do independent research, to incorporate your research into a well-crafted argumentative proposal, and to use the MLA style in documenting your work, including the proper format for parenthetical references and the Works Cited page. This is a research paper in the form of a persuasive essay—it will have an introduction (which will end in your thesis statement), body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Use research to support your proposal, as defined in Chapter 17 of your textbook. You are free to choose your own subject for the proposal, incorporating three elements: an issue that needs to be addressed, a target audience, and an action plan for that target audience to follow that will address the issue.

    Keep in mind that a research paper is a work in which the writer

    • uses, to a significant degree, information he or she did not already possess, including information gathered from credible sources such as books, periodical articles, journals, etc.

    • correctly documents all of these sources on the Works Cited page that follows the essay

    • gives, within the essay, an author’s name, a title, a page number, or some identifying info for each fact, quotation, or idea taken from another person’s work or paraphrased


    •The essay itself must be a minimum of 5 full typed pages of content in length. Your title page and Works Cited page are, of course, not included in this count. Use 1” margins all around and a standard 12-point font. Do not add additional spaces between paragraphs.

    •You must have a minimum of 4 secondary sources for the essay, none of which may cite .com/.net/.org/.etc., Wikipedia, or other unreliable sources. As the beginning of determining the reliability and academic suitability of a source, all sources must have named authors—you cannot use anonymous articles or reviews. Begin your research early; do not attempt to form a complete thesis without having done at least some research.

    •Your essay must include direct quotations from your sources—at least one from each of your secondary sources. Quotations must be introduced and incorporated correctly, as well as documented properly.

    •Your Works Cited page and all internal documentation must be in MLA format.

    •Create a title page for this assignment following general MLA guidelines (see For Help). Do not number the title page.

    •Write your essay in the third person (that is, don’t say “I” or “we”).

    •Your essay should demonstrate not only your ability to analyze and synthesize information, but also grammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation skills appropriate for the college level. See Part 8 of your textbook for guidance.

    MLA format

    Proposal Draft Check-In date: July 10th

    Proposal due date: July 17th.
    I needed this done by the 17th, as well as the draft check in.

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