In treatment: Watch the video HBO “in treatment “

    Watch the video HBO “in treatment ” season 1 sophies week 6-9 and write a paper about it, this is our class website and the guidlines are below:
    HBO’s“In Treatment” PaperAssignment
    Assigned “In Treatment” Episodes: Season 1, Sophie Weeks 6-9
    Paper Assignment
    In 4-5 pages, make connecFons between the show and concepts discussed in class. Your paper will be judged on
    the quality of the connecFons you make to course material, and you should aim for 3 or more connecFons. Do NOT
    simply summarize the events in the show – you MUST relate it to course material. There are several angles from which
    you may make connecFons. Below are a few suggesFons for ways to approach the paper. You do not have to use these
    suggesFons if you think of other ways to make connecFons between the show and the material.
    1) Discuss Paul’s therapeuFc style by ciFng specific examples of behavior and describing using concepts discussed in
    class, such as level of direcFveness and judgment/acceptance.
    2) What are examples of specific therapeuFc techniques that we discussed in class that Paul uses in therapy?
    3) Explain Sophie’s problems and behavior using concepts discussed in class.
    4) Which theoreFcal orientaFon may be best used to characterize Paul’s therapy techniques, or to explain Sophie’s
    problems? Explain.
    5) What treatment techniques would you use that Paul did not use? For which behaviors? Why would you choose
    these techniques over Paul’s methods?
    • For each connecFon, you should include a brief reference to an example (statement, paaern of behavior, events,
    etc) in the show, then offer a more detailed explanaFon, comparison, or associaFon based on course material.
    Paper Requirements
    • Maximum 5 pages
    • 12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, double spaced
    • Do not use more than a single one-sentence-long quote from the text/lecture within your paper. You are
    permiaed to quote the actors in the show, but keep it to a minimum.
    • No Title page, reference page, or citaFons are required
    • 50 points possible
    • Due Thursday February 26th in class
    Point allocaFon (50 Points Total)
    10 points: WriFng Quality
    • 3 points: No major grammaFcal or spelling errors
    • 7 points: WriFng is sophisFcated, organized, and comprehensible
    40 points: Content
    • 10 points: Concise descripFon of events/behaviors/dialogue/themes observed in the show integrated within
    your connecFons.
    • 10 points: Correct and detailed explanaFon of concepts discussed in class/book integrated within your connecFons. Do NOT assume that the reader knows the concepts. You must show that YOU know the concepts
    in your wriFng.
    • 15 points: Accurate, thorough, insighhul, and sophisFcated explanaFons of connecFon/comparisons between
    the video and course material
    • 5 points: At least 3 major connecFons are made.

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