In The Things They Carried, Tim O’ Brien says

    In The Things They Carried, Tim O’ Brien says

    ” A thing may happen and be a total lie; another thing may not happen and be truer than the truth” (p.83). In this way, O’Brien distinguishes between “happening” truths, events that we would consider factual and historically documented, and “story” truths, understandings that we experience emotionally or on a “gut” level based on the point of a story.

    This question asks you to look at three important points:

    1) In the three novels we have read so far and in Born on the Fourth of July, what story “truths,” as defined by the O’Brien quote, does each author or director tell us about the values and ideologies that drove the relevant social movement or the experiences, growth, conflicts, and feelings of the people caught up in the movement or the times out of which the movement occurred.
    2) How does the theme – what the author or director wants us to do, feel, or think after reading or viewing his or her work – of the novel or film related to those “story” truths?
    3) What specific narrative or creative choices does the author or director use to illustrate that truth? That narrative or creative choice might be a character the author or director develops, a sense she or he creates, a piece of dialogue, an analogy or metaphor, and so on



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