In her TED talk Leslie Chang, the author of Factory Girls, tries to sum up her understanding of Chinese female migrant workers’ experiences and their connection to “ourselves” Custom Essay

    In her TED talk Leslie Chang, the author of Factory Girls, tries to sum up her understanding of Chinese female migrant workers’ experiences and their connection to “ourselves” (meaning generally the economically comfortable (Western) consumer) via globalization. Listen to Chang’s TED talk and, using Factory Girls and other sources from this class, argue whether she is correct of incorrect in the analysis and sentiments she expresses in her TED talk.

    In order to write this paper well, you will need to first sum up Chang’s TED talk into a thesis—either by extracting what you think is the key point in her own words, or summing it up in your own. From there your paper should involve either agreeing with, disagreeing with or otherwise dissecting/analyzing this thesis.
    Use Factory Girls, China Blue or any other sources from this class to support your argument. If you are not allowed to use any outside sources. properly cite these sources with footnotes. Failure to do either of these 2 things will lead to a deduction from your grade.

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